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North La Crosse

Business Association

Bridgeview Plaza Development Update

September 09, 2021 6:54 AM | Vicki Markussen (Administrator)

Many eyes sit on Bridgeview Plaza, on the City's Northside, for improving the entrance to the community. The strip mall was formerly home to Shopko along Hwy. 53 and I-90. 

City of La Crosse Planning Director Andrea Trane stated the new, local owners of this property are working through some long-term lease issues in hopes their vision can become reality. 

“This is identified as a significant node as part of the Highway 53 plan," said Trane. [see related story]. “We created a TIF to provide financial incentives to ensure this happens.

A TIF is a tax-incremental-finance district. It is one of the City's few tools to encourage development of commercial properties within set areas.  As properties improve, their tax base increases. While the pre-improvement property taxes still go into the City's general fund, the community places increased revenue due to improvements into a segregated account for a period of time (ex. 20 years). The City uses these funds to pay back infrastructure improvements (roads, sewer, parks, etc.) or other improvements in the designated district.


To create collaboration between business and community for the betterment of all.

PO Box 402, La Crosse, WI  54602-0402


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